CORE Events
Below are upcoming regional events of interest.
Information on past CORE events is listed as well.
UC Davis Community Scholars Program Accepting Applications
CORE has the unique opportunity to partner with the UC Davis Center for Regional Change, providing a great deal of technical assistance, expertise, and support that we otherwise would not receive. One exciting part of this partnership is the opportunity to engage with graduate students in Community Development through the UC Davis Community Scholars Program. This program seeks to bring community organizers and labor leaders from throughout the Sacramento, Sierra Nevada and Central Valley regions to UC Davis to engage in critical dialogue, mutual learning, and advanced professional development. Community Scholars work with the UC Davis students and CORE on a project relevant to CORE’s work; this year, the project will focus on Transportation Equity.
The Community Scholars Program is currently accepting applications for its third class, which will begin in January. Information is included in the attached application. If you have any questions about CORE’s participation in the program, please let us know. If you have questions about the Community Scholars Program, please contact Libby O’Sullivan at [email protected].
Please forward this application to anyone who may be interested. The deadline for applications has been extended to December 1.
To view the application, click here: Community Scholars Application 2011.
CORE Summit Presentations Now Available:
Benner: Regional Equity
London: SCORECARD and Healthy Youth/Healthy Regions
Please contact Kendra Bridges if you have any questions or trouble with these files.
CORE Launches Work Groups in 2010
In January 2010, CORE launched its Transportation Equity Work Group with a transit equity briefing by Urban Habitat and Public Advocates. The briefing covered federal, state, and local transportation funding programs, key issues and considerations, and regional and statewide strategies. Over 30 people attended this informative event, which will be followed by the first meeting of the Work Group in March 2010.
In February 2010, CORE held the first meeting of its SB 375 Work Group. Advocates from around the region gathered to discuss strategy to help ensure that SB 375 is aggressively and appropriately implemented in the region.
CORE Open House and Policy Launch held December 2, 2009
CORE hosted an Open House and launch of the 2010 CORE Policy Recommendations on Wednesday, December 2 from 4PM to 6PM. At the Open House, information was shared about the new CORE Work Groups, projects for the new year, and accomplishments on current and past projects. A presentation was given by CORE staff about past and current projects.
Third CORE Convening, held October 16, 2009, a Success!
On Friday, October 16th CORE held its’ third Sacramento Convening. This annual strategic planning event engages policy advocates, public health administrators, affordable housing developers, activists, and organizers in facilitated discussions that help develop CORE’s policy priorities for the upcoming year. In preparation for the convening, CORE staff conducted over 25 interviews with stakeholders in a variety of concentrations to develop a draft document.
There were over 30 attendees at the event who enjoyed a presentation by Dr. Chris Benner on the Sacramento Coalition on Regional Equity Collaborative Assessment of Regional Development or SCORECARD project- a joint collaboration between CORE and UC Davis’ Center for Regional Change. The SCORECARD seeks to develop baseline indicators for the region and assess how well different communities fair in respect to health. To learn more about the SCORECARD visit our projects page.
Bob Allen, Transportation and Housing Director for Urban Habitat, a non-profit social justice organization in the Bay Area that focuses on building power in lower income communities and communities of color through combining education, advocacy, research and coalition building, delivered an informative and enlightening keynote address. Participants worked enthusiastically and with great commitment to review and analyze the list of policy recommendations. Facilitating the large group discussion was Sarah Treuhaft, Senior Associate for PolicyLink. Check back soon for more details on what came out of the discussions!
Community Mapping Workshops held in May 2009
In May, members of two south Sacramento communities joined staff from the Coalition on Regional Equity, the UC Davis Center for Regional Change, Legal Services of Northern California, and Sacramento Mutual Housing Association to discuss the state of their communities. During the workshops, community members discussed issues related to the health of their communities, including access to health care, transportation, safe and decent housing, and other issues that help build a quality living environment. From these discussions, data were produced that will be incorporated into community maps.
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These workshops are part of a project called SCORECARD, or Sacramento Coalition on Regional Equity Collaborative Assessment of Regional Development, which is a collaborative between the Coalition on Regional Equity and the UC Davis Center for Regional Change. The SCORECARD will serve as a vital resource for advocacy, organizing, and building a critically-informed people’s movement for regional equity and health. It enhances the ability of populations typically marginalized in regional planning efforts to have their visions seen and heard by regional policy makers.
CORE Convening held on October 3, 2008
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Members of CORE joined together to discuss goals and plans for the coalition on October 3, 2008 at the Sierra Health Foundation in Sacramento. Members were updated on upcoming regional development projects to monitor, and the group discussed how to connect each member’s work with the goals of the coalition.

The Sacramento Housing Alliance is the fiscal agent for CORE. Donations from this page will be directed to CORE.
Coalition on Regional Equity
Objectives of CORE
What is Regional Equity?
Affordable Housing
Environmental Issues
Community Health